Bertanam Teman, Teman Bertanam (Nurturing friends, friends to nurture with) is a work that focuses on the activity of cultivating plants as a form of therapy, experimentation, and exploration. The method of choice for this work is nurturing friendship and cultivating new forms of connection through growing plants. Visual correspondence in the form of photo and video recordings are carried out everyday to share news about the plant development. In this project, Meicy and Arum grew microgreens –green vegetables and herbs which can be harvested at a very young age at around 10-14 days or after the germination process.– to be cultivated according to the duration of the production timeline of this work. The artists hoped that this project would inspire others to keep nurturing their friendship and start planting as a way to appreciate life.

This work is supported by Dana SAM as part of Karya Normal Baru / New Normal Work 2020 open call, organised by Jakarta Biennale, Biennale Jogja, and Makassar Biennnale. Bertanam Teman, Teman Bertanam was selected by Biennale Jogja.