Project’s original title in Bahasa Indonesia: BIODIVERSENI Seni dan Biodiversitas di Daerah Aliran

Pejeng is a village with rich cultural history located in the basin area of Pakerisan and Petanu rivers. The areas between Tukad Pakerisan and Petanu is also often called a sacred topography area due to the archaeological remains found in the region which is still considered by the local inhabitants as living sacred monuments.

There are also many temples and ancient hermitage holes found on the cliff of the rivers, whilst its banks are overgrown with various plants, which many inhabitants use for traditional ceremonial plants, medicine, and food. This area is also rich in wildlife.

BIODIVERSENI is a collaborative project between the art of digital illustration and database technology to track, preserve, and conserve the rich biodiversity and culture in the river basin area of Pakerisan and Petanu.

This project was supported as part of DANA SAM DAN LINGKUNGAN 2015