Escape Noah’s Ark is a reading of the presence, telescoping from home. Questioning how home can be a romantic and incubative space for the mind and the body, despite the excruciating experience some of us have had with the space. With a new era, comes a new way of live, an opportunity to measure what is new normal from the proximity of home and to see how far this experience triggers curiosity, suspicion, and silence.

Stefanus Endry Pragusta with FFF (Jangkung, Rhea, and Dewo) develop this reading into a video and puppet theatre work, attempting to return to the past and recalling childhood memories by playing with toys.

This work is supported by Dana SAM as part of Karya Normal Baru / New Normal Work 2020 open call, organised by Jakarta Biennale, Biennale Jogja, and Makassar Biennnale. Escape Noah’s Ark was selected by Biennale Jogja.