GSRBI Book Publication

It is generally agreed by scholars, critics and art practitioners alike that Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru Indonesia (GSRBI, Indonesia New Art Movement) is an influential art collective which has played a very significant role in the development of contemporary art in Indonesia. However, there is very little reliable material or comprehensive information about GSRBI.

To our knowledge, the only official document available is the book titled “Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru Indonesia” edited by Jim Supangkat (Gramedia, Jakarta, 1979). Since then, there has been no new information, in-depth reviews or critical analyses about the role, relevance and legacy of GSRBI in the context of Indonesian art history and within the wider Southeast Asian region. We hope that our upcoming publication project can help provide a deeper understanding about GSRBI to the art community and interested members of the public.

Research and editorial team:
Enin Supriyanto, Grace Samboh and Ratna Mufida

With the kind support of:
Indonesian Visual Art Archive
Dana SAM untuk Seni dan Lingkungan (SAM Fund for arts & ecology)
Exponents of Seni Rupa Baru