“Hayati: Laku & Ingatan” (Biotics: Habits & Memories) is a triple release of video works consisting of Book 1: Hayati (1 video), Book 2: Laku (2 videos), and Book 3 (Past Time & Childhood).

“Book 1: Hayati”, depicts the colour patterns of infused water that appear in the process of soaking various biological plants that are beneficial for health. “Book 2: Laku (Jamu Concoctions & Instant Brews)” illustrates the combination of colours and shapes of jamu gendong concoctions, such as kunyit asam and beras kencur, with instant jamu. The final video, “Book 3: Ingatan (The Past & Childhood)” tries to uncover the memories and knowledge of jamu-making that children in Makassar have. This final video also shows the inheritance of knowledge from the ancestors contained in a manuscript entitled “Tetamba & Tamba”, which means treatment and medicine. The fire depicted burning the manuscript is a reminder of the loss of memory and knowledge in the manuscript.

This work is supported by Dana SAM as part of Karya Normal Baru / New Normal Work 2020 open call, organised by Jakarta Biennale, Biennale Jogja, and Makassar Biennnale.

Hayati: Laku & Ingatan was selected by Makassar Biennale.