Hikayat Pengobatan Bedak Basah (The Tale of Bedak Basah) is a documentarry film work about the process of making Bedak Basah (wet powder) by Hj Badaria. Badaria is widely known in Kabba Village of Minasatene District, Pangkejene and Islands (Pangkep) Regency as the heir to the knowledge of wet powder making for medicinal treatment.

Local residents believe that it is only Badaria that can make wet powders that can be used for medicinal treatments as she is the niece of Mina Cade, the previous wet powder expert who inherited their knowledge to Badaria. This family has Bungko ancestry in their lineage, the first people in Kabba Village who are known as sanro’ or shaman that uses wet powder treatment.

This work is supported by Dana SAM as part of Karya Normal Baru / New Normal Work 2020 open call, organised by Jakarta Biennale, Biennale Jogja, and Makassar Biennnale.

Hikayat Pengobatan Bedak Basah was selected by Makassar Biennale.