Merangkai Memori (Assembling Memories) is an art project by Hindra Setya Rini, which attempts to offer the experience of verbal recalling. This project collaborates with audience-participants to make works published through social media channels and to carry out experimental practices of responding to the virtual space as a collectively imagined “physical encounter”.
Departing from a series of photo works about food during the pandemic, sources of the resulting stories were collected from various sources in various regions — answering questions from: what foods are most often consumed during a pandemic? Are there any consumption patterns that have changed from before and when the pandemic occurred? — Merangkai Memori explore how appreciators of works/participants “meet” directly and share the memories of the pandemic they are experiencing through virtual spaces that they encounter every day.
As a form of exchange, participants share their stories and received works by artists as well as souvenirs from other collaborators of the project in form of hampers sent to their homes.
Participants: Dafrosa Gita, Indah Darmastuti, Nurvita Wijayanti, Nur “Wucha” Wulandari, Rena Asyari, and Sekar Sari
This work is supported by Dana SAM as part of Karya Normal Baru / New Normal Work 2020 open call, organised by Jakarta Biennale, Biennale Jogja, and Makassar Biennnale. Merangkai Memori was selected by Biennale Jogja.