New normal, promoted as a new way of living, has put virtual interactions as an alternative to surpass the limitations of interacting in ways that are thought of as normal. Unfortunately, contextualising new normal in terms of platforms, this concept doesn’t really offer anything new in terms of sociability. The use of internet as a communication tool still uses normal platforms that we see everyday. Centralised platforms owned by large corporations monopolising the internet technology: Facebook, Instagram, Google, and Zoom.

The use of these platformms are not founded on the ffreedome of data ownership, meaning that when we interact there, the mediation of our interaction inevitably uses a centralised technology that monitors our data. Our social interaction then become statistical data for them. These days we are consciously giving them power over internet as a platform without trying to find alternatives for a decentralised internet.

DarkNet is known as another form of internet network that is scarier with the paradigm of it being a place full of myths. Departing from a speculative thinking on how a place designed to be a center for user anonimity has rather become known as a place full of anxiety, There is a certain fear towards the myths, or perhaps manufactured fears produced in a massive scale — much like a fiction — for a greater importance. What happens if myths of the DarkNet that has become an urban legend is actually made by those in power for the reason that the lesser cant be invisible?

This work is supported by Dana SAM as part of Karya Normal Baru / New Normal Work 2020 open call, organised by Jakarta Biennale, Biennale Jogja, and Makassar Biennnale. NeoFormal.Onion was selected by Biennale Jogja.