In the Indonesian language dictionary, Sowan is a verb referring to the practice of acknowledging respected individuals (such as elders, teachers, monarch).

This art project is presented in a video format published through Youtube and IGTV, displaying microscopic chemical reactions of 10 jamu (herbal drink) commonly made at home: Empon-Empon, Kunir Asem, Masuk Angin, Jamu Kuat, Galian Singset, Beras Kencur, Pegal Linu, Sinom, Gepyokan, and Sari Rapet.

Each video in this series is also accompanied by audio interviews with guests, talking about different topics related to the jamu. However, the topics somehow no longer just talk about the drink itself. They rather touch upon everyday realities in Indonesia that are related to each jamu’s knwon benefit.

There are 10 episode in total, presented by 10 guests responding to the different topics with poetry, music, sound art, and presentations.

This work is supported by Dana SAM as part of Karya Normal Baru / New Normal Work 2020 open call, organised by Jakarta Biennale, Biennale Jogja, and Makassar Biennnale.

Sowan was selected by Makassar Biennale.