The first chapter of Struggles for Sovereignty (SFS) was a 9-week online programme, consisting of discussions, sharing sessions, and a reading group. We engaged communities from Indonesia and other parts of the world to address current and persistent social and ecological urgencies as a tool to distribute research, start conversations and generate solidarity. The online programme spanned a sharing session with collective and community kitchens, developed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic; conversations on eco-feminist practices and futures; a look at initiatives that mobilize rural histories for social justice and land rights; alternative farming and shepherding schools; the use of alternative/DIY technologies in climate resistance and land stewardship; and the connections between ecological justice and decoloniality.

Our next chapters unfolded through ‘The World is Our Household!’ is a 1-year, multidisciplinary programme aiming to share and learn situated knowledges about living in solidarity with our communities and environments.

The first and second chapters of SFS were developed in partnership with Bumi Pemuda Rahayu, Rujak Center for Urban Studies and SAM Fund for Art and Ecology. SFS is also generously supported by Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development, Goethe-Institut, Marinus Plantema Foundation, Arts Collaboratory, Arts Council England and Goethe-Institut Indonesien.