Tabib Pasongsongan (The healer of Pasongsongan) is made as a bible for healers, consisting of 36 pages containing names and illustrations of spices and their health benefits. This book contains 15 types of spices and two methods of processing them.

These two methods outlined in the book came from Shohifur’s grandmothers: 1) Rukayya method (from the father side) and 2) Jadima method (from the mother side). Both of Shofifur’s grandmothers live and produce jamu in Pasongsongan village of Sumenep Regency, East Java, therefore Tabib Pangasongan is chosen as the title of this work.

This book is created to provide an understanding that history of healthcare, knowledge of spices, and ways to survive from the threat of disease are actually present in every local community with different forms of traditional methods and technologies. The use of the Pegon Arabic script in this book is not only an effort to restore memory or history for the act of recording local knowledge in the past, but also as an articulation of how Madurese in the past, most of whom were educated in the pesantren environment, obtained access to knowledge through text-based distribution medium (aside from knowledge distributed orally).

This online manuscript is available on the FlipHTML 5 page, a platform specifically for flipbooks or digital book publications.

This work is supported by Dana SAM as part of Karya Normal Baru / New Normal Work 2020 open call, organised by Jakarta Biennale, Biennale Jogja, and Makassar Biennnale.

Tabib Pasongsongan was selected by Makassar Biennale.