A music video collaboration to spread positive vibrations, involving friends who are musicians of various instruments and genres, from various cities and countries, united in creativity and collective expression. According to vibration expert Arif Rahul Hutomo, the collective intention of humans will accelerate the realisation of reality, thus the artist tried to create a song with a positive intention that is “easy listening” so that it is easy to sing along. Furthermore, according to spiritualist Adnan Khrisna, the speed of light sensed by the eye exceeds the speed of sound, therefore a visual image for the song to reinforce the intention was also created. This interactive work invites the audience to collaborate in spreading positive vibrations despite the pandemic through the broadcast of this audiovisual work on Youtube so as to invite as many audiences as possible who wish to participate in this collective expression according to their respective versions and creativity.

This project was supported as part of Karya Normal Baru 2020 – Jakarta Biennale